For Emergency Service
Crestone Mechanical is a mechanical contracting company, specializing in commercial cooking exhaust systems and other ventilation for restaurants, catering and other food processing facilities. We offer a wide range of solutions for all types of commercial cooking such as commercial kitchen exhaust hoods, fans, and fire suppression systems. We provide the following services: Installation of restaurant kitchen exhaust hoods, fans, and other types of commercial kitchen vent hoods and vent systems.
Installation of restaurant exhaust fans, restaurant exhaust hoods, and welded ducts. Installation of any type of commercial cooking and commercial kitchen exhaust systems. Installation of all types of restaurant or other commercial cooking hoods, and fans. Installation of commercial cooking fire suppression systems. Installation of steam exhaust hoods, ducts and fan systems for your restaurant, industrial or commercial kitchen cooking facility. Installation of heat removal hoods, fans, ducts etc for your restaurant kitchen or any other commercial or industrial kitchen or cooking facility. We provide service, repair and maintenance to restaurant exhaust range hoods.
We offer all types of commercial cooking exhaust hoods, fans and ventilation service repair and maintenance. We provide restaurant kitchen exhaust fan service, repair and maintenance. We provide restaurant exhaust hood vent service, repair and maintenance.
Our services are available to restaurants, cafes, catering and other commercial or industrial food processing facilities. Every commercial kitchen is unique in its ventilation requirement and requires a custom solution. For a no obligation estimate and consultation do not hesitate to contact Crestone Mechanical.